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Where is the serial number on an xbox 360 elite

Version: 92.10.68
Date: 18 March 2016
Filesize: 305 MB
Operating system: Windows XP, Visa, Windows 7,8,10 (32 & 64 bits)

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Source So, you've decided to buy an Xbox 360. Good for you. There are some great games on there: Halo 3, Grand Theft Auto 4, Bioshock, Madden, and the list goes on. What you might not know is that there's more than one version of the same console and some of them have some very significant differences. Hopefully, this article will set things straight and help you avoid making what might be an expensive mistake. The first thing to know is what any of the 360 consoles can do regardless of its SKU. All 360s can play Xbox 360 games. This is true even of Xbox One. When it was first released in 2013, Xbox One could not play games designed for 360. In 2015 Microsoft announced that it had modified Xbox One to be compatible with older Xbox games. Every single one of them can play DVDs and CDs as well. If you have it hooked up to your network, you can include your 360 in your Microsoft Windows network, allowing you to share media between your PC and the 360. Types of Xbox 360• Pro or Premium• Elite• Slim• Arcade The original 360 model, this console includes a 20 or 60 GB hard drive which allows you to download games, movies, music, demos, and downloadable content for titles like Rock Band. Current Pro/ Premium models for sale new are usually refurbished. These are old (read: used) Premium models that have had their innards replaced with less failure-prone hardware. This is a good compromise if you want to pay Xbox Arcade prices for Elite performances. The 20 GB hard drive is relatively small, but for most purposes it is adequate. However it is possible that the smaller drive will delete some demos or titles you've already purchased. Don't worry, though. If you've paid for a game, you can re-download it at no cost. In my experience, 60 GB of space is enough for all but the most prolific packrat. However, if you're like me and can't stop buying new songs for Rock Band and hate to.
How do you find your xbox 360's serial number? I got the Red Ring of death, I know, it sucks, and now I am trying to fill out an online form so I can get my xbox fixed by microsoft. Problem is, I don't exactly know my xbox 360's serial number, which is one of the required fields on the console registration form, and I don't know how to find it out. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks 7 years ago Accepted Answer clamfreak3 answered: The serial number is on the back of the 360, near the ethernet port, and directly where the Wireless Networking Adapter is supposed to be hooked to if you own one. 7 years ago 0 0 This question has been successfully answered and closed To ask or answer questions, please log in or register for free.

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